Brunch Aji

Asian brunch being shared

About the restaurant

Welcome to our Asian brunch at Elite Stora Hotellet in Jönköping! After three sold-out sittings in 2022 and many questions about the resurrection of the brunch, here we are again!

AJI, the name of our brunch concept, stands for taste and enjoyment and is exactly what will be experienced on selected Saturdays. A modern brunch based on a sharing experience with a focus on Asian flavors with a Nordic touch.

Starting on Saturday, February 18, we invite you to three fantastic brunch experiences together with chef profile Tom Jallow. The brunch is held in the historic Spegelsalan at Elite Stora Hotellet in Jönköping on Saturday 18/2, 25/2 and 4/3.

Price adults: SEK 495
Price children 13 years and up: SEK 495
Price children 4-12 years: SEK 245
Price children 0-3 years: free

Please contact the restaurant directly for reservations.

Opening Hours

Saturday 18/2 2023
Saturday 25/2 2023
Saturday 4/3 2023

Find us

Brunch Aji Hotellplan 3 553 20 Jönköping